“I had a friend who prided himself on being a lying, manipulative psychopath. I knew it was a front to mask his desperate insecurity, so I stayed his friend regardless of how he pretended to be. Then that persona eclipsed his better self, and he turned on me, literally trying to gaslight me at one point. Should’ve seen it coming a mile away, but for some reason, I thought he would spare me.” —u/an_ineffable_plan “My best friend does this. She has given me rides before as I’m disabled and cannot drive. When we got home, she apologized for being emotional because she was drunk. It makes me uncomfortable, and I don’t know how to tell her that I’m not okay with her driving me around while drunk. Every time I’ve mentioned it, she gets defensive.” —u/nahnabanahna_ “When someone brags about how much they spend on something. I knew one person that when they took a trip they would emphasize how they flew first class, what luxury hotel they stayed in, the restaurants they ate at, etc. Tacky as hell, and it’s basically throwing in people’s faces how the rest of us can’t afford that.” —u/wholewheatscythe “Smart people don’t talk about being smarter than everyone. It’s related to the Dunning-Kruger effect. People who don’t know much about a topic overestimate their knowledge because of their limited view on the topic, while an expert on the topic who is really educated on it can overview its complexity and therefore knows that theres still much to further learn about.” —u/Limp-Sundae5177 “I’ve never understood this one. It’s not an accomplishment. Babies don’t read books. In fact, I have several cats who don’t read books.” —u/Wadsworth_McStumpy “In high school, I was hanging with a slightly rough crowd, and one of the older guys chuckled and told me, ‘you’d never make it in prison,’ as if it was some kind of diss.” —u/lmac187 “Ah yes. The desperate desire to be unique and special in a world of 8 billion people. Understandable, but deluded.” —u/Ruadhan2300

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